Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Men Who Explain Things

This is such a powerful piece.  And funny.  Please read it.

Note the opening: "He was a man who made a lot of money in advertising or something."

Luckily I have managed to fill most of my life with men (and women) who don't do this. Unfortunately, so many of us work in environments where it's impossible to avoid.  I am posting it here on consuming signs because it's indicative of the kind of hubris -- and privilege -- that underlies the attitude "I know what you want and I know how to sell it to you."   Perhaps the Frankfurt School wasn't wrong about advertising, about the consumer culture and the people who want to sell it to you.   I'd like to think it's not all a manifestation of totalitarianism, but I worry about the kind of professional privilege that allows some people to think they can construct and sell culture to you without actually considering that you might have your own version....   

Monday, April 21, 2008

Young at Heart

As my friend Leah said, you may not think you want to see this movie, but you do. Trust us. Here is a review of Young at Heart.